Our white CSA cement is an innovative, environmentally friendly manufactured binding agent with outstanding properties. It is used in particular for the production of accelerated and shrink-neutral concretes and mortars that are fully loadable after only a short time. Used in its pure form, CSA cement solidifies within a few minutes, so we recommend either processing only small amounts each time, or extending the processing time by using a concrete retarder. Typical formulations for shrinkage-compensated concrete contain CSA cement as a 30% to 70% addition to Portland cement.
CSA cement is compatible with known additives to regulate the setting time, liquefaction, viscosity, shrinkage compensation, acceleration, retardation, etc.
Please note: You should definitely buy fresh CSA cement. It is often either not available at the dealer or the DIY shop around the corner, or has been stored for too long and is lumpy, which may be fatal for exposed concrete. More important than a price comparison is to look at the quality. In our shop we only sell products that are guaranteed not lumpy because we always obtain fresh products and store them with extreme care. Not only do artists order from us, but also DIY enthusiasts who want to manufacture grouting mortar, materials for tile grouting, mortar for repairing facades, or other special blends according to their own recipes. We also supply whole pallets at a fair price upon request.
Buy proven and trusted quality online from us in Moertelshop and take advantage of our unbeatable cheap shipping.